Dear Visitor
In line with the Federal Government reform programme with respect to the services delivery contract, it is my pleasure to present this revised NFVCB Service Charter for clients of the board. This revised charter is in line with the SERVICOM initiative of the Federal Government and the review of NFVCB operations and guidelines in consultation with key Stakeholders. Our goal is to ensure that NFVCB operates a world class film regulatory agency with established best practices and appropriate service standards.
I am confident that this charter effectively communicates NFVCB’s commitment to providing high quality service to its clients. In line with the SERVICOM mandate, we shall continue to monitor our performance against our service standards in an effort to improve the services we provide
Comments and suggestions on the charter are welcome at any time.
Dr Shaibu Husseini Phd
National Film and Video Censors Board
This Charter
This Charter is designed to cater for the service needs of all clients, and all activities by the Board. The charter explains the standards of service that you can expect from NFVCB. This charter recognizes that we have two separate groups and clients
- the producers, marketers and organizations that apply to have films and video works, and computer games censored/classified, and
- the consumers of these products in Nigeria
Who We Are and What We Do
The National Film and Video Censors Board was set up by Act No.85 of 1993 to regulate the film and video industry in the country
The functions of the Board are:
- To license –
(i) a person to exhibit films and video works,
(ii) a premises for the .purposes of exhibiting films and video works: - To censor films and video works:
- To regulate and prescribe safety precautions to be observed in licensed premises;
- To regulate and control cinematographic exhibitions; and
- To perform such other functions as are necessary or expedient for the full discharge of all or any of the functions conferred on it by this Decree.
The establishment of the Board therefore empowers it to assess, classify and register films and video works and the film outlets across the country, monitor the films and film outlets. As a national body, he NFVCB classification and regulatory authority covers the entire federation
Our Goals
Our Goals Are To:
- Provide an enabling environment for the growth of the film industry through our activities
- Enshrine a code of ethics and professionalism which would ensure the production of high quality movies
- Manage the classification system to time, cost and quality standards;P
- Provide policy advice and services to governments;
- Enhance confidence in and utilisation of the NFVCB classification system among existing and potential clients;
- Enhance community understanding, confidence and usage in relation to classification systems and outcomes; and
- Continually empower NFVCB staff to meet its objectives by providing the requisite internal capability in the areas of people, training, logistical support, information, financial resources and leadership.
Our Business and Services
Our main business is the regulation of the content of the filmed entertainment industry in Nigeria through the censorship, classification of films as well as the distribution and exhibition of films and videos; the NFVCB also licenses:
- A person to exhibit films and video works,
- A premises for the .purposes of exhibiting films and video works:
- To regulate and prescribe safety precautions to be observed in licensed premises;·
- To Regulate and control cinematographic exhibitions; and
- To perform such other functions as are necessary or expedient for the full discharge of all or any of the functions conferred on it by this Decree
- Consult with our clients
- Respond to complaints;
- Collect fees; and
- Keeps a register of all films classified and person licensed to distribute films in Nigeria
Our Service Standards
The aim of NFVCB is to all times provide all our clients with high quality service. We will do this by meeting the following service standards:
For all clients:
- The NFVCB shall treat all our clients fairly and professionally.
- Our staff will identify themselves to you by name and will be polite, courteous and helpful at all times;
- If no one is able to deal with your query when you telephone, someone will call you back before the end of the next working day;
- If you write, fax or email us, we will reply to this correspondence, provided you have supplied us with your name, email, telephone number, and postal address;
- We will undertake to answer correspondence, for which a name and postal address has been supplied, within 20 working days, and where this is not possible, we will keep you informed of progress
- Our letters will have a contact name and telephone number on them where appropriate;
- Where it is more appropriate for another organization to help you, we will provide you with that organisation’s contact details
- Establish a database of all classified works video outlets and distributors and update such information periodically
- Our information products will be accurate and up to date; and
- Our advice will be accurate, relevant and reliable
- For Film and Video Industry clients
- We aim to provide our industry clients with a high quality, value for money service. To do this, we will:
- Advise you of any fees relevant to your application;
- Issue receipts for payments immediately
- Provide the facilities for the electronic submission of applications, as well as services to monitor the progress of your electronic application and download classification certificates through the NFVCB Business Online;
- Classify material within 20 working days of receipt of a valid application ( or provide you with advice about reasons for any delay
- Consistently apply the criteria set out in NFVCB legislation, and the NFVCB Code of Ethics and classification guidelines;
- Issue classification certificates within 5 working days of our decision;
- Give clear reasons for our classification decisions on request;
- Assist you to arrange collection of submitted material;
- Provide you with information about how to apply for review of a decision of the Board or the Director or appeal a decision of the Review Board;
- Consult you about proposed regulatory changes;
- Make officers available to discuss operational classification matters with you; and
- Assist you to meet the requirement to display our classification markings, including consumer advice on covers, packaging, products and related advertising material
- Government and other law enforcement agencies can expect us to:
- Provide the Honourable Minister, the National Assembly with timely and comprehensive reports regarding the state of affairs of the NFVCB, though our Annual Reports, or any other reports as may be requested by the Honourable Minister and the National Assembly
- Provide timely and reliable advice to the government on matters relating to the Nigerian film industry and other trends worldwide;
- Give priority to applications identified as urgent for law enforcement purposes
- Members of the public can expect us to
- Provide reliable and accurate classifications and consumer advice;
- Take community standards into account when we classify material;
- Provide information about the national classification scheme, and in particular how classification decisions are made, upon request;
- Provide access to classification decisions;
- Welcome and respond to your comments on our classification decisions;
- Welcome comments about proposed regulatory changes, including reviews of the classification guidelines; and
- Maintain an up-to-date website
Feedback On Our Service
The Board welcomes feedback on our performance against these service standards outlined in this charter. Clients can write to or email us with any comments or suggestions. Your feedback will help us to improve our services in future.
If you experience any problem with our service and you cannot resolve the problem by discussion with the staff member concerned, escalate the matter by asking to speak to his or her supervisor, who will try to address your concerns. If you remain dissatisfied, you can further escalate the issue to the office of the Director-General through the Head of Servicom and Community Liasion Unit, by writing or via email. If necessary, one of our staff can help you to put your complaint in writing. Your complaint will be investigated and you will be provided with a written response.
For clients who are not satisfied with a classification decision, we can provide you with a copy of the reasons for the Board’s decision or arrange for you to speak to a senior official of the NFVCB. We can also assist you with information on how to apply to the Review Board for a review of the decision.
Staying In Touch With Our Clients
The management of the NFVCB remains committed to a process of regular consultation with members of the public and with our industry clients. Our consultation may include regular reviews of classification guidelines. At each biennial review of the classification guidelines, the NFVCB shall invite public submissions to these reviews (from the community and from industry) by placing advertisement in major newspapers and including information on our website. In carrying out any review, we will provide reasonable time for comment. We will seek and consider the views of our clients as part of significant planned regulatory change.
Performance Against Our Service Standards
We will monitor and evaluate our service against the standards we have set in this charter and report annually on how well we have met these standards, including details of any complaints we have received. To make sure that we continually improve our service to you, we will review the charter from time to time in consultation with our key stakeholders.