The Board’s approach to classifying films meant for exhibition and video/DVDs is guided by the following principles:
- Artistic expression and creative freedom are not unduly curbed.
- Protect National culture, peace and security Protect children and young persons from harm and prevent access by children to materials which are offensive.
- Strongly encourage and promote the exercise of parental responsibility.
- Movies should be allowed to reach the widest audience that is appropriate for their theme and treatment The context in which something (e.g sex or violence) is presented is central to the question of its acceptability.
- Need to take into account of community concerns about religion, and prevent the exhibition of materials that are “objectionable” that is, likely to cause incitement, civil disorder, portray persons in demeaning manner, incite or condone sexual violence or glamorize criminal acts.
- Pre-alert: members of the public should have information through the giving of consumer information, to materials which they may find offensive, both for themselves and for children in their care.
We believe that adults (i.e. persons over 18) should be free, within the law, to choose what they wish to view
The requirement that the guidelines be published annually and revised on the basis of public inputs.