How to Make Treasury Single Account (TSA) Payments Using Remita
Payments to Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in Nigeria are currently made directly into the Treasury Single Account (TSA).
Step 1:
Visit www.remita.net to start the payment process.
Step 2:
Click on the option ‘Pay Billers‘ on the ‘Bills & Purchases‘ button.
Step 3:
Who do You want to Pay – type in ‘National Film and Video Censors Board‘.
Name of Service/Purpose – choose ‘[the service you want to pay for]‘.
Amount to Pay – will be set based on your choice in the step above.
Payer’s Name – type your full name/Company.
Payer’s Phone – type your phone number.
Tick the ‘I am not a robot’ reCAPTCHA checkbox and click on the stated selection of images before clicking on the ‘Verify’ button.
Step 4:
Click on the ‘Submit’ icon to ͞proceed to payment.
A new page which is the invoice will come up which will display your RRR – Remita Retrieval Reference at the top of the page.
Print the invoice and take note of your RRR.
Step 5:
Choose any payment method convenient for you.
Option 1: ‘Card’.
Option 2: ‘Bank Branch’.
Option 3: ‘USSD’.
Option 4: ‘Internet Banking’
Option 5: ‘Wallet’.
Proceed to complete your transaction by clicking on the “Pay…’, ‘Print Invoice’ or ‘Continue’ button as suited to your preferred method.