Shaibu Husseini on “Healthy Screen in the FCT” at Nigerian Info 95.1FM

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Shaibu Husseini on “Healthy Screen in the FCT” at Nigerian Info 95.1FM

Shaibu Husseini on “Healthy Screen in the FCT” at Nigerian Info 95.1FM

Shaibu Husseini, Ph.D, the Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of the National Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB), recently participated in an insightful discussion in the Nigerian Info 95.1FM. The topic of the interview, “Healthy Screen in the FCT,” focused on the impact of media content on society, particularly the youth, in the Federal Capital Territory. The Chief Executive of the Board used the interview to correct the erroneous impression in some quarters that the Board is only engaged in Classification of films and video works.
According to him,the Board carries a lot of advocacy into ensuring a healthy screen for the unsuspecting Nigerian youths. This it does through media literacy campaigns geared towards making more Nigerians media literate in the observance of the classification ratings of the Board.
He stated plans by the Board to engage more in the churches, mosques, market places, in addition to the numerous institutions of learning visited.
Finally,he disclosed plans by the Board to join women in the South Eastern part of the country during the famous August Meeting to discuss a healthy screen for our nation. According to him, after the meeting, the women will become more media literate and will be inducted as the Board’s ambassadors in advancing the course for the adherence of the classification ratings of the Board in their respective families leading to a healthy screen.

During the interview, Husseini emphasized the NFVCB’s commitment to ensuring that the media content consumed by Nigerians, especially children, is healthy, educational, and aligns with cultural values. He highlighted the need for media literacy and education as tools for fostering a more discerning audience that can navigate the vast array of content available in today’s digital age.

Concerns Over Content Exposure

Husseini addressed growing concerns about the exposure of children to inappropriate content. He pointed out that children are increasingly influenced by what they see on screens, including cartoons, which are often perceived as harmless. He stressed the importance of understanding that cartoons can act as powerful influencers, shaping children’s perceptions and behaviors.

Influence on Children and Parental Responsibility

One of the key points discussed was the role of parental responsibility in monitoring and guiding children’s media consumption. Husseini acknowledged the challenges parents face in this digital era, where content is easily accessible. He encouraged parents to be vigilant and proactive in selecting age-appropriate content for their children.

Media Literacy and Education

The Executive Director advocated for the incorporation of media literacy programs in schools to educate children and young adults about the impact of media on society and their role as consumers. This education would empower them to critically evaluate the content they consume and make informed choices.

Challenges with Technology and Engaging Content Creators

The Executive Director highlighted the challenges posed by rapidly evolving technology, which often outpaces regulatory measures. He called for collaboration with content creators to produce engaging yet responsible media that reflects societal values and positively impacts audiences.

Regulating Music Videos and Cultural Values

Husseini also discussed the NFVCB’s efforts to regulate music videos, which often contain explicit content. He emphasized the need to balance artistic expression with the protection of cultural values and societal norms.

Societal Impact and Public Responsibility

The discussion extended to the broader societal impact of media and the responsibilities of various stakeholders, including government bodies, content creators, and the public. Dr. Husseini urged everyone to consider how media depictions influence society and the importance of fostering content that promotes positive societal values.


The interview on Nigerian Info 95.1FM served as a platform for Shuaibu Husseini to reiterate the NFVCB’s dedication to creating a safe and healthy media environment. By addressing these issues and working collaboratively with stakeholders, the NFVCB aims to ensure that the media landscape in the FCT and Nigeria as a whole contributes positively to societal growth and development.


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